Social Distancing in Kofu I - The Beach
Unfortunately, at this time, I can’t recommend live music venues (clusters), museums (they’re closed), or restaurants (but check out this Instagram feed for Yamanashi restaurants that are now arranging meals to go.)
So I today suggest you use your imagination - close your eyes and imagine you’re at the beach. I’ll establish atmosphere…
And when things calm down and we can go outside, we still can’t go to the beach because this is Kofu, and we’re surrounded by mountains, and there isn’t any beach around.
Is this Kofu?
Well, who needs the beach? Think about how dangerous it is.
Instead, you can just go out to dinner, and enjoy the spirit of the beach at these Hawaii-themed shops.
Mana Cafe - in Kofu Shimo-Ishida (near the Kofu-Showa Tsutaya)
Honolulu Kitchen - in Kokubo (near Wakazushi)